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The most beautiful linen duvet covers for the best price
Casa Homefashion is the brand that stands for the best linen bedding for the best price. That may sound a bit indifferent, but we are quite proud of our collection.
Choose linen Linen is a good responsible choice. It is the most sustainable type of textile in the world. Many people often do not know that producing textiles demands a lot from nature. It requires a lot of water, but also many chemicals to produce it. To produce linen, much less water is needed and almost no chemicals. In addition, it is so strong, it will last for years. That is why we love linen so much and have started doing something with this product. The result: an own brand in linen for quilt covers, fitted sheets, pillowcases, tablecloths and aprons. We want to be a specialist in linen: Sleep, Cook & Eat in Style is our motto.
The lowest price, but also the best quality? Because producing linen is more labor-intensive than producing cotton, for example, linen is simply a bit more expensive. We can offer it for the best price because we develop and produce the bedding in-house. You can also only buy it in our webshop Casa Comodo. The lowest price, but is this also the best quality? You will probably ask yourself that! And we can fully answer this question with yes. Our linen bedding is 170 g / m2, a nice, solid quality that feels great and that you will enjoy for many years.
Casa Homefashion stands for quality, luxury and exclusivity. But also sustainability. All our products are packed in linen bags that you can reuse. So no plastic or other materials that do not perish. We have opted for nice laundry bags. Large enough to indeed be used as a laundry bag when you go away for a weekend. But you can certainly use it for other purposes.
The collection: