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New colors in the collection
Yes, they have arrived! Our new colors of linen bedding: Deep Lagoon and Indian Summer. Deep Lagoon is green blue and Indian Summer is warm red. A great addition to our Casa Homefashion collection that we are very happy with. Hopefully you too! 🙂
Color determines the atmosphere
Color largely determines the atmosphere in a room. Due to the large surface area of a duvet cover, the color of the cover is often the basis for the atmosphere and appearance in your bedroom. Our new colors Deep Lagoon and Indian Summer will certainly create an atmosphere in your bedroom. Both are warm and full colors for a luxurious and exclusive feeling.
Meet Indian Summer
Indian Summer is a warm deep red color. The color of an autumn leaf, a red rose. It is a color plucked from nature. Can be beautifully combined with anthracite, green or ocher yellow, for example. And wood of course.
Meet Deep Lagoon
Deep Lagoon is really the color of a lagoon. Deep blue green, a chic and elegant color. Also a nice color to completely determine your own style. Think of ocher yellow for a great contrast but also for ton sur ton.
100% linen of course
Indian Summer and Deep Lagoon are also made from 100% European linen, like all our duvet covers from the Casa Homefashion collection. Both the top and bottom are made of linen. You have the luxurious appearance of linen but you also enjoy the unique properties of linen when you sleep under it. And linen has quite a few fine features! It contains no dust mites, ideal for people who are allergic to this. But your bedding also stays fresh longer, also because linen is antibacterial. It is also a ventilating material, it can absorb a lot of moisture without getting wet. Certainly a plus if you perspire at night. And linen always feels pleasant. Cool when the weather is warm and warm when it is cold outside. Read more about the benefits of linen here.
Mix & Match or go for one color
We have duvet covers (sets), loose pillowcases but also fitted sheets for every color in our linen bedding collection. Also from the Deep Lagoon and Indian Summer colors. So you can combine these colors with other colors but you can also go for one color for a 100% linen proof bed.