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New colors – Coming soon!
Mid October we will expand our collection of linen bedding with two new colors. It is always exciting to introduce new colors. And with colors, I also mean real colors! They are called Indian Summer and Deep Ocean. I would like to introduce you to Indian Summer.
Indian Summer is a deep red warm color that you see a lot in fashion this fall. But this warm color should not be missing in the interior either. Nature is the source of inspiration for this color. The Indian Summer is the late summer in certain parts of the USA and Canada. Then the leaves color in overwhelming colors from yellow, orange to deep red. Our new color is based on this deep red color.
Boutique chic
The Indian Summer linen duvet cover really makes a statement in your bedroom without being overpowering. You can create different styles. For example, consider a white bedroom with various wood elements. Or a bedroom with dark walls and golden accessories. In all cases you get a chic boutique style in your bedroom where tranquility, space, warmth and luxury prevail.
The combination with linen
Indian Summer and linen are a good match. A warm cozy color in combination with the rugged and exclusive look of linen. Linen owes the tough to the natural fiber of the fabric. The dust is soft but the structure is coarser. And that makes linen so beautiful and comfortable to sleep under.
Indian Summer is available as a duvet cover set (we always sell our duvet covers including 1 or 2 pillowcases), fitted sheets and loose pillowcases.
Can be ordered in the webshop from mid-October!