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Linen is cheaper
That sounds weird because you wouldn’t say that when you see the prices of linen linen linen linen linens. Let’s face it, it’s quite an investment. But it’s really true, linen bedding is ultimately cheaper. I’ll explain.
The process from flax to linen
The process of making linen takes longer than with other textiles. It is a sustainable process in which many actions are carried out. These actions are very labour intensive and therefore linen is more expensive. This is also reflected in the price when you buy linen bedding.
The process is more labour intensive but on the other hand it is so much more durable than for example (organic) cotton. The flax plant needs little water during growth, on the other hand a cotton plant needs a lot of water (4 times more). And the flax plant doesn’t need pesticides to grow.
Conclusion 1
The process of producing linen is more expensive but is also many times more durable than other (organic) textiles!
Why is linen bedding cheaper?
Linen is going to make the big difference in use. In short, sleeping under linen bedding is ultimately cheaper per night than any other textile. This is in a number of things. Because linen is so strong, it wears much less hard than cotton. So you can sleep under it for much longer. Although you use it longer and therefore have to wash more often, the linen remains beautiful and soft.
Linen was also at 40 degrees and dry at a low temperature. This is sustainable but also saves you electricity costs. You can reduce this even further if you
use dryer balls
(saves 10-30 in drying time).
Conclusion 2
Because you invest in quality, you also enjoy it for years. Much longer than any other textile type, so your costs per night are ultimately lower.
Not only does it improve your sleep, but it also looks stylish and exclusive.
Want to know more about the benefits of linen bedding? Read it here!