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Look how beautiful! Our linen bedding in the B&B The Gentlemen of Atmosphere. A B&B in the beautiful village of Borgoumont in the Belgian Ardennes. Beautiful and stylishly decorated full of luxury. Of course, that includes linen bedding!
Natural and sustainable materials
The host of B&B De Gentlemen of Sphere is also an interior designer. All colours are carefully selected and composed. This applies to all objects in the bedroom. A beautiful natural stone grey floor (Love it), the linen curtains, the color of the wall and of course the linen linen linenlin. Beautiful natural and sustainable materials have been used everywhere. Here the guests will feel completely at home and can relax optimally.
Colour combination linen bedding
In this bedroom, the colours Wildsage and Mineral Grey are combined. Linen duvet covers and linen covers Wildsage and the quilted linen bedspread Mineral Grey. Classic Sand (sand color) and Vintage Rose (old pink)have been chosen for the extra pillowcases. These colors are interspersed every time.
Keep this one in mind!
B&B The Lords of Atmosphere is now closed for a while due to the corona measures. But if the measures are relaxed again, this is definitely recommended for a long weekend, mid-week or longer!
Coloring pallet