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Colortrends 2019
This is the time of the year that the colortrends 2019 in the interior industry are announced. I am always curious about that. For example, there is an interesting article on the Roomed website about the trend forecasting for 2019. We can generally say that color is completely back in the interior, mainly warm earth tones such as ocher yellow, terra cotta and dark purple.
Scandinavian design
The past we have seen many natural shades such as gray and white. This was really a trend from Scandinavia. Beautiful, quiet and pretty tight. But even the Scandinavian design brands make the change to color. Brands such as Cozy Living, Tinek Home or Madame Stoltz have used a lot of color in their home accessories. Color in your interior fits every season of the year. It brings atmosphere and warmth. Add a new color by adding extra cushions to your couch or bed and you have a completely different living room or bedroom.
The picture above is from a report from the VTwonen. This photo clearly illustrates the trend for 2019 in your bedroom. The warm colors in combination with the soft linen bedding, makes you want to dive into it.
We also see that sustainability is becoming increasingly important for more and more people. That makes me very happy. It is so important to consciously choose good materials that are fairly produced. Nobody wants to cooperate with child labor, poor working conditions and environmental pollution. Maybe you have already read it on our website, sustainability runs like a red thread through our business operations. For example, our plastic-free policy.
Which color do you choose for your interior?