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Botanical Balms from Lab Tonica – New
Sometimes you come across super nice brands that have nothing to do with linen bedding but still fit within the Casa Comodo concept. Sustainable, plastic-free and in harmony with nature. Lab Tonica is such a brand, a collection of delicious botanical balms, pillow mist and tea, 100% pure nature. And we are the first in the Netherlands to be allowed to sell this beautiful brand.
The power of plants
The English brand Lab Tonica was founded by Kitty McEntee. Kitty believes in the power of plants. The scent and the composition of the products give you a feeling of well-being so that you can sleep better, relax or give you a boost to have energy again.
The collection of botanical balms and teas
The Lab Tonica collection consists of 4 lines:
Unplugged Sleep helps you to relax before going to sleep It is a unique blend of essential oils such as lavender, bergamot and frankincense. The balm organic beeswax, vitamin E and moisturizing coconut oil. Available as balm, pillow mist and tea.
Breathe helps you to relax, to take a moment of rest so that you can continue relaxed. It consists of a blend of soothing essential oils such as sandalwood, bergamot, sweet orange, chamomile and lavender. In combination with moisturizing coconut oil, organic beeswax and vitamin E. Available as a balm and tea
Fend helps you to strengthen your defenses and immune system. It is a unique blend of essential oils such as white camphor, eucalyptus, thyme, lime and frankincense. The balm contains organic beeswax, vitamin E and moisturizing coconut oil. Available as balm and tea.
Do you suffer from hay fever? Then Fend can certainly be recommended.
pow is an invigorating botanical balm and tea for those moments when you just don’t have enough energy. It is a fine blend of essential oils of rosemary, lemon, lime, frankincense, black pepper, patchouli and eucalyptus. In addition, the balm contains organic beeswax, vitamin E and moisturizing coconut oil.
The products of Lab Tonic are also beautifully packaged. A beautifully designed packaging so that it is also very nice to give as a gift. The packaging is also completely biodegradable and plastic-free. The motto is ‘we think plastic is trashy’. The complete packaging from the tea box, from tea bag to inner bag, is sustainable. The inner bag containing the tea bags looks like plastic but is made of vegetable material and eventually becomes compost.