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Bedroom restyling in 3 steps
Do you enjoy restyling your bedroom without having to paint an entire wall right away? Your bedding is the foundation with which you can easily completely change the look and feel in your bedroom!
Your bed as the basis for styling
Most beds take up about 3.6 m2 in your bedroom. That’s quite an area. An area you can do a lot with to make your bedroom a cozy space. With the color of your bedding, you lay the foundation of the styling. Additions such as a bedspread, extra pillows or a plaid will give your bedroom the look and feel you like. And so you can vary this very nicely so that, for example, you can change your bedroom every season in a simple way.
Bedroom restyling in 3 steps
Step 1:
Choose your base color of your bedding.A color that matches the color of the walls and/or wallpaper, any cabinets and curtains. That’s the foundation of your bed. (Besides the color, of course, choose bedding made of fine materials with a natural look, linen!)
Step 2:
Determine the look you like. Will it be spring and you would like it to be light and airy or will it be winter and you would like warm, soft tones. Would you like a bed with a luxurious look or quiet and understated. Based on this, you are going to add additional items. For a luxurious look, for example, choose a soft linen bedspread and three additional pillows in different sizes. If you want quiet and understated choose a plaid or 2 extra pillows. You can play with this and vary it.
Step 3:
Determine the color(s) you want to add. Now it’s time to determine the color you’d like to add. This can be tone on tone but also a totally different color that really stands out.
In this article you will find three pictures that show how to change a look and feel by adding an extra color. And these are just examples where only an extra pillowcase has been added. And can you already see the difference? Once you have decided on the color(s) then you can now start choosing the complementary bedding to go with it. Like an extra pillow in a different size, a quilted bedspread or an airy plaid. Good luck styling your bedroom!
Photo Notes:
The basic bedding is linen comforter cover Classic Sand plus 2 extra linen pillowcases Snow White.
Photo 1 adds a linen bedspread Snow White.
Photo 2 adds a linen pillowcase Hazelnut Brown.
Photo 3 adds a linen pillowcase and a linen bedspread Mineral Grey.